On september 11 of 2001, three buildings of the compund of teh World Trade Center in New York city collapsed due to structural problems on the day of the terrorist attacks. The south tower fell down exactly at 9:59 am (local hour in NY), after being in flames during 56 minutes in fire caused the attack of the flight numer 175 of the United Airlines at 9:03 am.
By the other hand the north tower fell down at 10:28am after being in flames during 1 hour and 42 minutes in fire caused by the impact of the flight numer 11 of the American Airlines airplane at 8:46 am. The scientist said that the posible cause of the collpased of a third building at 5:20 pm was of the damage by the debris of the twin towers when this ones fell down, also with many series of fire.
Also is clear to know that many buldings near the place of the attack also suffered numerous damage, so they get on fire and they had to demolished. A technical investigation of the federal building and safety of the collapse of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 was conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the Department of Commerce of the United States. The objectives of this investigation, which took into account the construction of the building, materials, and technical conditions that contributed to the collapse of the incidente of that day were investigated, of this investigation there were some bases established like:
- Improve the standars that which the buildings are design, used, manteined and constructed.
- Improve the tools and signs for the construction industry and for those responsible for the security.
- Revisions of the regulations of fire in buildings, standards and practices.
- Improvements in public safety.
The fire weakened the trusses holding the floors, and made that the floors were fell down. When the floors get down, that provokes that the columns were inclinated and also fell down. With the weight of the principal columns, the interior columns cant support it and thats why both of the towers get down.
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